Doğan Tekeli

Tekeli - Sisa Architectural Partnership

Having graduated from İTÜ (İstanbul Technical University) in 1952 with a master's degree in architecture and engineering, Tekeli worked for İzmir Municipality Project Bureau under the management of architect Rıza Aşkan. In 1954, Tekeli founded the Site Architecture Firm, together with Sami Sisa. The firm was restructured in 2004 as Tekeli - Sisa Architectural Partnership. Besides his private practice in this firm, Tekeli also taught as an assistant at the Fine Arts Academy in 1956, and later as a studio design course instructor at İTÜ-affiliated Maçka Technical School between 1961-71. In 1957, for a while, Tekeli served as the Chairman of the Chamber of Architects. Also, in 1992, he participated in the jury of the Aga Khan Awards as a jury member. In 1994, Tekeli was awarded with the Chamber of Architects’ National Architecture Award. In 2000, Tekeli was granted the title of “Honorary Doctor” by İstanbul Technical University.Tekeli has four published books: “Projeler, Uygulamalar, 1954- 1974”, “Projeler, Yapılar, Doğan Tekeli-Sami Sisa”, “Mimarlık: Zor Sanat” and “Çebiş Evi’nden Hisartepe’ye”.